Let's talk about The Lemon Abroad

Let's talk about The Lemon Abroad

A little disclaimer about what you'll find on The Lemon Abroad...

The Lemon Abroad is the alter-ego of Greer Johnston (that's me!). I love to travel, but I also get really stressed and I'm lazy, so if you had met me in high school, gluing my science fair project together in the hallway that was due in ten minutes and already stressed about getting into a good law school when I was still in pre-Algebra, you probably wouldn't have guessed that I would end up traveling the world without a guidebook or a clue.

So if I can do it, you can too!  If you want to, that is. I am not under the conviction that travel is something everyone must do. I think it can be a really positive experience, but so can building a solid, stable life in your hometown. In fact, for much of my life, that was what I had wanted. And sometimes, when I'm lugging around all the earthly possessions I can fit into a carry-on in the middle of a dry heat in Morocco, having my own home with a/c and a fridge full of my favorite food doesn't sound so bad. But there is plenty of time for that.

As you may have noticed, I tend to ramble, but I don't want you to have to sift through my personal issues just to find a great place to eat in Rome. This website is meant to quickly give you the info you need and hopefully leave you with a smile and dreaming of Mediterranean sunsets. 

I do not feel qualified to tell you what is the "best" of something. Or recommend you try twenty cafes when you only have two days to see a city. I began this website to collect my personal recommendations that I give to my family and friends so that I didn't have to keep typing them out. I told you, I'm lazy. 

So take everything I say with a grain of pink Himalayan salt. Know this: I like good food, both fancy and family style. I care about culture, but I only need a few tidbits, not the whole history lesson. I love to take photos, but beyond putting on a filter, I can't be bothered to edit them. When traveling, I opt for comfort and convenience, while also budgeting and trying to have a local experience.

I promise this is the longest post I will write on this website, but if you want to check out more of my rambling you can find me on greerjohnston.com. Ciao!

Photo taken on the island of Comino, Malta

